114 Insights From Michael Neill’s HayHouse Radio Shows ”Supercoach” and “Living From the Inside Out”.

Sandy Loyall
10 min readFeb 5, 2022

Welcome to this awesome article ~ I’m literally saving you 100’s of hours of your time. (You can thank me later!)

These quotes and insights are based on “The Three Principles” understanding, also known as Health Realisation or “The Inside-Out Understanding”. I’ve gained so much from listening to Michael’s radio shows, and now, here are the highlights.

Who knows, they might save you a broken relationship (or two)… even a rebirth (or two!).

Let the quotes begin….

  1. You’re always experiencing the energy of your own ​ thinking and nothing else…

2. The minute you are getting upset with someone means you are trying to control them.

3. Shift your focus from what you want FROM the other person to what you want FOR the other person.

4. Make your love for the child/person, the relationship, more important than the result.

5. Experiment with trying to change things without turning it into a problem.

6. Have you made the decision to do whatever it takes to make your relationship a wonderful relationship?

7. The less you NEED OF or FROM your partner to be happy yourself, the easier it will be for the two of you to be happy together.

8. Rather than keep a tally sheet about a person’s behaviour in the past, start with a clean slate every time you are with this person.

9. In a relationship, have no demands and no expectations.

10. Decide that you prefer the serenity of allowing people to be how they are…

11. “You’re right about that.” ~ A neutral response to people focussing on their ego.

12. Forgiving everybody for everything is the path to absolute joy and freedom.

13. My only job is to keep my consciousness at a present and high and happy and joyful place… Forget everyone else.

14. With regards to parenting… do you want a relationship, or a result?

15. “No one can make you feel a way that you don’t think.” — Dr. William J. Pettit

16. How does the issue affect you when you’re not thinking about it?

17. You don’t need to do anything about the noise (thought energy) in your head because when you see it for what it is, your brain will tune it out in the same way it tunes out other unnecessary background noise.

18. Worry is what’s making it look so bleak out there.

19. Wouldn’t it be a shame to be having a wonderful life and not notice?

20. When we get present, life has all the richness and aliveness, love and connection, wisdom and playfulness, insight, curiosity and joy that we could possibly want, for ourselves and for the people we care about.

21. We are incredibly well-equipped to handle reality/the present moment; we are not designed to handle our imaginary nightmare scenarios.

22. We all make up arbitrary rules and then live by them as if they are true.

23. You usually just need to DO things rather than make big plans about your future or career.

24. We can exhaust ourselves with a story about our failed step, or we can move onto the next one.

25. All we ever have to do is take the next step. The following steps may not even exist until we take the first step.

26. If you are feeling yourself getting worked up about something or feeling low, it’s a sign that you’re believing the illusion that something on the outside is causing you a problem. Look past your thinking to who you really are: a being who has infinite resources at your disposal.

27. That (negative) voice inside your head is not the voice of God, it just sounds like it THINKS it is!

28. How different could it be? It takes courage and power to change things…

29. How would your life be different if you could trust your gut instinct just 5% more?

30. My opinion about where I am doesn’t help me to move forward.

31. When you buy into the bullying, the greatest bully becomes you.

32. You can feel the pain of a broken heart without additional self-inflicted suffering (over-thinking).

33. Our personal, conditioned thinking is not reliable.

34. Thought is a tool that you can use however you want.

35. You don’t need to get mad at him/her or yourself, you simply need to make another choice.

36. All 8 billion people on the planet are living in separate realities (even reality-tunnels!) but we are all connected by Consciousness — we are all aware of the same world around us.

37. You’re not feeling what’s happening, you’re feeling your thinking about what’s happening.

38. Once you learn that you can meet your own emotional needs, it won’t be necessary to put up with any kind of c#%p from anyone, just to get your needs met.

39. Only thought can create feeling. The length of the feeling will be the length of the thought.

40. You are running around thinking inside a train that’s already heading somewhere.

41. The problem isn’t that you’re having fearful thoughts, the problem is that you’re engaging with them as if they’re really important and as if they’re going to create your life in some way, as if they’re going to determine how things are going to turn out for you. You can just say, “Oh there’s my fear thought…. Now, what do I actually want to create in my life?”

42. Am I seeing that I am experiencing my thinking in the present moment?

43. All you ever have to do is the next simple action step.

44. New thought comes into the space where old thinking has moved on.

45. Concentrate on two questions: what is happening now and, could you LET GO of wanting to change that, of wanting things to be different…?

46. Have you made the connection between what you are thinking and how life looks to you?

47. We are so much busier in our heads than actually makes a dam bit of difference in the world.

48. The divine spark of wisdom is alive and well in all of us, just waiting for the gift of our own attention to help it burst into flame.

49. It turns out we don’t need to know what to do — we only need to know where to look.

50. We have an unwarranted belief in our made-up timeframes and a real lack of faith in the natural rhythm of life.

51. We need to connect to the good feelings we were born with.

52. I am made of the intelligence behind life (like an acorn!)

53. When we don’t fill up our mind with lots of worry and figuring-outness and trying to sort through what would Jesus or the Dalai Lama do, or what would this person or that person do, you just leave that space open and the deeper intelligence comes into it.

54. The way it looks to you, even though it looks really, really real, is actually an effect of thought. It’s not a real thing that thought is interpreting.

55. There is an intelligence available to you from behind the mind that will guide you when you get your own conditioned thinking out of the way.

56. Security is what’s there when we’re not caught up in worrying.

57. There is no such thing as time pressure. There are only thoughts that we have about time that create a feeling of pressure in our nervous system.

58. Pressure only exists as an internally-generated, thought-created phenomenon independent of circumstances. (BOOM!)

59. Wisdom is in the moment, it’s in real time. You will know what to do when you need to know what to do.

60. The sweet spot for human beings is half-way between engagement and surrender.

61. It’s not what’s happening that creates your experience, it’s what you think about what’s happening that creates your experience.

62. Your life will change not so much because you do something different, as because you see something in the present beyond the filter of the past.

63. Underneath all the worry you are a completely happy and capable person.

64. We are all already loveable, we don’t have to make an extra special effort.

65. When our mind clears, wisdom appears.

66. Our worries and our longings are overblown, because we have the capacity within us to manufacture the very commodity we are chasing when we choose experience.

67. When you’re afraid, start looking for new evidence.

68. Addiction… What’s craved is a relief from what the person has learned to think of as an uncomfortable feeling or thought, but you can sit with it and it will start to shift. (Don’t feed the cat. The more you feed it, the more it will come back wanting to be fed).

69. The problem with habitual thinking is that it stops looking like thinking and starts looking like “just the way it is”.

70. What would your next step be if you weren’t afraid? Why aren’t you doing that…?

71. I’m having a thought stack. Just observe it, it will pass…

72. We are reality-producing machines!

73. We tend to focus on the same limited range of thoughts throughout the day.

74. When you get caught up in your ideas of how things should be, how long they should take, whether or not they should happen, all of your thinking is creating that reality. It’s not helping you create the reality you want.

75. So in a way, there’s really only one problem in life which is we get caught up in our thinking, and lose sight of both the present moment, and the amazing resource of Mind (God, spirit, etc) we have inside us. And there’s really only one solution. Go back, make your way back into the flow of life, of your own creative wisdom.

76. It’s impossible to defeat an enemy who has an outpost in your head.

77. Ask yourself throughout the day, “what can I do to take care of myself?”

78. Cultivate an amazing energy in yourself! How? 1. Reflect on when you’ve felt that way before. 2. Role-play!

79. Pain is inevitable. Over-thinking it is optional.

80. You are the hero you’ve been waiting for. Empower yourself.

81. Do you know what you’re going to be thinking 60 seconds from now? The vast majority of the time, we are the watcher.

82. “Take everything… I still have an inner oasis.”

83. What are you afraid might happen, or what are you afraid it might mean, if you DIDN’T think (insert) about (insert)?

84. It’s all about getting back to “it’s okay”. Whether you are biting your nails or drinking, tearing your hair out, what ever you’re coping mechanism is, it’s all about getting back to, “This moment, right now, is okay, just the way it is…I’m safe…”

85. I want the source of my income to be my creativity and service.

86. There’s one problem which is getting stuck in our thinking and one solution which is getting back to that inner wisdom, gratitude and compassion.

87. Wellbeing is innate.

88. Generate joyful indifference! “We won the ball game! Let’s go and get ice-cream!”… or… “Aww we lost the ball game! Hey — lets’ go and get ice-cream!”

89. Make a list of things that matter to you and make you feel alive, then start making your life out of those things. Get rid of the things in your life that you don’t like doing or that don’t matter to you.

90. When you notice your noisy mind, say: shhh shhh shhh…

91. Stop thinking!!! Stop thinking about it! Just do it. Just be…

92. Art: if you’re stuck, alter a variable.

93. “You’ll never find a new answer in a old pile of crap.”

94. In the future you will do just fine because the future, you will be in the present.

95. Don’t play the game of life to win, play to play.

96. Stop living like you’re double parked!

97. I love and accept myself, even if I (fill I the blank).

98. Have you given up yet? Give up thinking/solving and allow intelligence to arise.

99. “Human beings have a psychological immune system that helps them change their view of the world so that they can feel better about the world in which they find themselves.” Dan Gilbert

100. There are a million ways to have a messy desk, but I only have one way to have a neat desk. That’s why it’s so hard…

101. Forgiveness is a return to how things were before it happened.

102. There is no relationship between forgiveness and acceptance.

103. Our brain is the wrong tool for decision making. It’s wisdom which guides us in our lives. Things are going on behind the scenes, relax into it. (Relax… nothing is under control…!)

104. My inner voice is not a judgment, but an inner guidance to rescue me from my fears and limiting thoughts.

105. Being sad/mad/scared can become a habit.

106. We are conditioned to DO something about a problem when we are suffering.

107. Your mind is playing a role in your experience of life…

108. Get clean, drop the booze/drugs, and you will live a life way beyond your wildest dreams…

109. Life is happening around you, not to you.

110. The dogs bark and the caravan moves on. (Life goes on despite other people being critical — ignore them!)

111. “Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.” George Bernard Shaw

112. “I don’t feel safe…” is just a low grade flight/fight response. Look for new evidence.

113. Can you forgive them even just 5%?

114. You don’t need to be afraid of your feelings, they can’t hurt you…

(With enormous heapings of gratitude to Mr. Michael Neill)

